b.glen Japan
since 1994

Beverly Glen Laboratories Ltd.
Japan Headquarters
Activities with Customers

May 2019
An annual gathering of some of b.glen customers to promote healthy living and connect with likeminded people. Included with yoga, beauty discussions, and fine dinning, this extraordinary curriculum hosted by b.glen representatives is a special opportunity to enhance anyones skincare knowledge.

bjin juku
January 2016 ~ Present
An exclusive event held twice a year where b.glen Salon representatives are invited to lecture anything and everything about skincare. Breaking it down into different seasonal categories like winter and summer skin conditions, Bjin Juku covers everything from which products to use to massaging techniques that boosts skin health.

May 2017 ~ Present
A customized one month skin program experience for anyone looking to understand and improve their own skin type. With step-by-step guidelines designed specifically for you, along with before and after photos, b.glen Challenge looks to help and enhance your skincare needs with a purpose.
- Official Site
- www.bglen.net
- Contacts
- Tel: +81-3-5472-1818
- Fax: +81-3-5472-1853
- E-mail: info@bglen.net
- Location
- 105-0021 NBF Comodio Shiodome 5F, 2-14-1 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan